Poetry from the Sky

Poetry is soul of the heart

* Thoughts

The sun, the palms, the beach by ocean
Just brought to me all those emotions,
Which telling me that life is blessed -
The happy things and no request.

It's giving us all best for being -
We can exist, we can have feelings,
We can be loved and love ourselves.
What need we more for happiness?

There's always room for our creations,
But only our motivations
Could bring us to the peak of mounts
To give us pleasure to be around.

Our love, of course, the greatest source
For everything in our course;
It's leading us to go forward
To live, to feel, to do all awards.

Love is the blessing of the life -
Without it we're not alive;
Let's keep all this for our points,
Then never happen disappoints.


* Philosophy of Life

The time is going very fast
And fall is on the way;
But only feelings which I trust
Let know it's okay,
Because the fall is only fall
And nothing, but the season.
What is essential to me,
That have to have a reason!


* Waiting

I am not here, I am not there,
I am between and nowhere;
If something coming in my life
I will be ready to be alive.
Then I can feel, I will be fine
To meet my happiness with smile!


* Our Feelings

It's closer and closer;
It's coming and coming
The day when we have to meet.
Such wonderful feelings,
Incredible feelings
That only it has to befit.

When our two hearts
Start beating together,
We always are going to hear
How wonderful feelings,
Incredible feelings
Becoming so lovely in air.

And nobody, nobody
In our whole planet
Could ever let know and see
Those wonderful feelings,
Incredible feelings
Became part of you and me.


* Love is Here

When love is here then nothing matters,
But only you and me together.
No matter what, no matter how,
Our closeness came - it's here right now.
Then only left - to be more closer;
To feel, to think without prose,
Because the love is giving us
All best expressions we can trust.
Then we can fly, then we can dream,
We willing flow without stream;
But only give yourself in full
For feelings under shiny moon.


* Only Love

I know you're my dearest friend
And only want to believe
That it could grow in new brand
Than more you can receive.

Friendship is wonderful, no question,
But everybody knew it
That only love could give suggestion
For happiest, best...Then do it!


* For You

What can I say about my love for you?
How can I express everything that I feel?
How can I be happy without you?
How can I think and breathe without you?

My love is so big, my heart is so full
That I am silent of my expressions;
I am yours in my mind. I live for you
And only wish that you are too.


* How to love

Nothing could be better
Than know how to love;
The knowledge coming later
When you are old enough.
To feel those pretty feelings
And pleasure in your heart,
You have to be experienced
To know how to love.

Then all around blooming
And songs are very sweet,
Because your heart is zooming
By feelings which are treat.
You're full of all these pleasures,
You’re happy quite enough -
Do not exist those measures
Which make you stop from love!